Tie the Knot Tuesday: How We Met

April 10, 2018

Happy Anniversary Month! This time 3 years ago I was getting ready to marry my best friend!

In honor of our third anniversary, I thought I would flashback and relive those moments. I can’t wait to share our story and journey to become husband and wife.

First let’s go back 12 years to 2006, our senior year of high school…

My friends and I were going ice skating where we met up with some of our guy friends. They brought a new friend with them named CJ. I was currently in a relationship, but little did I know I would meet my future husband that day. When I first met him that day, he was being a typical boy, skating so fast and falling to see how far he would go… I remember thinking ‘who is this kid, what is he doing?’

From there we started to become friends, and CJ became apart of our group of friends. We called ourselves “The Mafia.” I have no idea why we did this, but we were 17 years old and that’s what we did. We celebrated grad parties, friends birthdays, he taught me how to drive a stick shift (which I now forget) and so much more. During this time he had become one of my best friends.


The time came when we both headed off to college. He went to the University of Dayton with most of our friends, while I went to Ohio University and later transferred to Northern Kentucky University. We both lived our own lives during this time for the most part. I would see him when I went up to UD to visit, if he came to Cincinnati to visit family, or if I had one too many drinks and call him.


I completely agree with the saying by Dave Mathews Band, “A guy and a girl can be just friends, but at one point or another, they will fall for each other… maybe temporarily, maybe at the wrong time, maybe too late, or maybe forever.” This quote could not be more true for CJ and me! There was a hot second in college where I thought we were going to start dating, but the timing wasn’t right yet. We both had other things we had to do before it was our time.

Our time finally came in December of 2011… yes, almost 6 years after we met. Earlier in December, I went on a cruise with my friend Becky, her sister, brother in law, and their friends. It was an amazing life-changing trip, a little dramatic but it made me finally decide my feelings toward CJ. When I returned from my trip I went up to Dayton (where CJ was still living) to finally have a talk. It took a trip to the bar and some beverages but we finally had the conversation! It was such a nerve-racking talk because we both knew that if it didn’t work out our 6 years of friendship would be over.


Transitioning from just being friends to being boyfriend/girlfriend was interesting especially when we lived in two different cities. Long-distance was hard, but we tried to see each other at least every or every other weekend and talk every day. CJ has never been the best at texting and with being in a new long-distance this was something we both had to get used to.

Next read all about our proposal and see our engagement pictures! 🙂




  • Mandy April 12, 2018 at 9:19 pm

    So happy to see you both happy! I enjoyed reading this trip down memory lane!

  • […] Every week I will be sharing the special things that led up to our wedding. Last year I shared how CJ and I met. Today I will be sharing how he popped the question! Might be a little biased, but he did a […]

  • […] Wednesday’ segment leading up til our anniversary. In case you missed the last two: “How We Met” and “The Proposal.” Today I will be throwing it back to our engagement pictures […]

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    About Katie


    Welcome to my little corner of the internet! Living Amidst is a Cincinnati-based lifestyle blog. Katie is a wife, mother, and a woman fighting Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. This little space was created when my son was four months old and I lost who I was. Living Amidst became my corner of the internet to find myself again. My Instagram and blog focus on motherhood, self-care, and my journey through my recent diagnosis of cancer. Read More

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